Monday, December 12, 2011

29th November: Visas and steak

First task of the day was to stop by the Indian embassy to collect our passports, hopefully containing visas.  We had a slight scare when the Indian official (watching the India-West Indies cricket on the computer screen opposite us) said that Clem's passport had arrived but not mine.  After a quick search, however, he found both and all was well.  Reunited with our passports, we went for a stroll around town to complete the errands that had been frustrated by the public holiday the previous day.

We came back to the flat to chill out and work on the blog, before treating ourselves to BA's finest steak (on a tip from Chris) at Cabana Las Lilas.  This restaurant is on the redeveloped waterfront of Puerto Madero, and is a little touristy, but the steak was indeed outstanding.  I kept it simple with a bife de chorizo, while Clem went for the ojo de bife (and managed to fend off my fork to eat some of it herself).  A good bottle of red to top it off and we went home feeling very well-fed, albeit considerably poorer.

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