Sunday, January 8, 2012

15th December: Hike around Pokhara

Full blog to come later (since it's written up on the laptop and there's no wireless in Khardah) but here are the photos we uploaded earlier of our seven-hour trek around Pokhara.

Crossing Phewa Tal, past an island temple
World Peace Pagoda
Eagles above us
You can just about see the Annapurna range through the haze
Walking through small, isolated villages
The wedding bus...
...and the wedding

Pumpkins sitting in the sun (safe from the porcupines)
Faint outline of the Fishtail, the only unclimbed mountain in Nepal
A pair of water buffalo arrive at our lunch spot, and seem rather miffed by our presence.  Our guide scares them away...

Slightly grumpy buff after having relocated to a safe distance
Another small village
A furry friend who followed us for several hours (until he was eventually scared  off by another village's dogs)
Sipping at some very sweet tea
View of the valley below
The blue square marks the bee-hive inside the house
Seed drying in the sun
Sodden rice-fields on the valley floor
Water buffalo crossing the river

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